Ministries & Groups
Reformation Lutheran Church is not a place for spectators. It is a place for team members. Whether you are a five-year old child, a ninety-five year old grandmother, a busy mom, or a businessman with big responsibilities, we want you to be a part of our vibrant church community. Here are some of the opportunities for you to learn, serve, and grow.
Administration Ministry
Administration, like all spiritual gifts, is to build up the body of the church. It offers an opportunity to respond through faithful and trustworthy management of all God has given and continues to give through Jesus Christ our Lord; our time , relationships, abilities and other resources of this earth.
The Administration Ministry is responsible for four distinct areas that keep the church functioning day-to-day. These divide into the sub committees of Finance, Life Safety, Property and Stewardship.
Evangelism Ministry
It shall be the responsibility of this ministry to see that our congregation will ‘Proclaim the Good News’ of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, as the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20 commands us: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”
We use our gifts through some of the following projects: Social Media, Our Military Matters, Share Food Network, Samaritian Purse Shoebox Project, Senior Angel Tree, Ministry Fair.
Fellowship Ministry
Fellowship reaches out in dedicated service to welcome all of our brothers and sisters in Christ. We provide a warm and friendly welcome where everyone can truly feel. At home as we share the Lord’s abundant blessing.
Life Safety Ministry
The life safety ministry (LSM) was established to augment the safety and security of those that attend events at Reformation Lutheran Church, as well as safeguard RLC assets. We currently have two teams, the safety team and the medical team.
Prayer Ministry
PRAYER is a vital and essential part of the backbone of this church. Our Pastor always says “It’s all about Jesus” and we know from scripture that Jesus prayed and prayed constantly. He taught his disciples to pray with the perfect model we now know as the Lord’s Prayer.
Social Ministry
This ministry is also known as – The WHO – We Help Others. It is an outreach ministry for Reformation Lutheran Church to help serve our congregation and our community. As it states in Proverbs 3:27 ”Don’t withhold good from someone who deserves it, when it is in your power to do so.”
Worship and Music Ministry
Worship and Music’s primary purpose is to provide meaningful, reverent, and inspirational worship services for the congregation to the Glory of God. We gather as a leadership ministry to equip the Reformation church family for frequent prayer, study of scripture, regular worship, commitment, and service. A board made up of pastor and lay coordinators meet monthly to provide oversight for their respective ministries. Each coordinator prepares monthly service schedules, develop duties and responsibilities and training.
Youth Ministry
The Youth Group exists to provide a space for teens in the congregation to grow in their faith and fellowship with the broader church community. We provide activities that are both fun and spiritually nurturing.
Women’s Ministry Auxiliary
Our Women’s ministry is very active sharing our blessings with others by providing support to such programs such as NALC Disaster Relief, Hope for Appalachia, Culpeper Food Closet and many others. We also are known for our Tea Party, Retreat and annual Cookie and Craft Sale. We meet on the first Thursday of the month from 9-11, where we hold a Bible Study and then a business meeting.
Men’s Ministry Auxiliary
Our Men’s Group meet the second Saturday of the month, beginning with a breakfast and follow with a bible study and then a brief meeting. We unite men in prayer, ministry, fellowship and accountability.
Prayer Shawl Ministry Auxiliary
This ministry combines caring and a love of knitting or crocheting into one of prayer that reaches out to those in need of comfort and solace, as well as celebration and joy. Shawls can be knitted in the comfort of your home.
Quilting Ministry Auxiliary
Our quilters meet every Saturday, we show the love of jesus through the gifts of quilts and blankets. We donate to many many clients, such as Foster Care, Safe House, Senior organizations, and Hope for Appalachia. We also send hats and scarves those in need
Find a place to express your talents & gifts at Reformation Lutheran Church!